Tomorrow Girl, Carmen Connors

Tomorrow Girl, Carmen Connors

Carmen has long been one of my favorite Tomorrow Girls.  Up until recently, she’s not enjoyed a lot of column inches in the story, but over the last several weeks, we’ve chosen to focus on one of her adventures.  We take up the story at a point six years prior to the main plot’s timeline, when Carmen and Alexi meet a man named Nelson Ford who’s wife has been kidnapped by a ring of white slavers.  Nelson explains how they found themselves in that predicament, and why he can’t simply turn to the police to get his wife, Kendall back.  Carmen decides to take the case, and jumps into the fray to restore the Ford family to its pre-victim state.  But due care and caution are not among Carmen’s hallmark traits, and after plunging herself into what she thinks is a run-of-the-mill conflict with organized crime, discovers that the game is a good deal larger than she suspected.  The new plot thread featuring Carmen, Alexi, and a young Tomorrow Girl Agency, is playing out in the comic now at